
Geriausia rinkodara - laimingi klientai.

Edgaras Raudys

Legal Balance Senior Information Technology System Analyst

Džiaugiamės pasirinkę Digital Brothers vienam iš savo įmonės projektų. Bendradarbiavimas visuomet yra sklandus, efektyvus, greitas reakcijos laikas, puiki pagalba įvairiais klausimais. Taip pat, įsiklausoma į mūsų poreikius, noriai pasiūlo mūsų pageidavimams daug variantų ir parekomenduoja, kurį geriausiai būtų pasirinkti.

Liudas Kanapienis

Ondato CEO

As Ondato we are working with Digital Brothers from the very beginning of our journey and this partner is the one you can rely on anytime with any issue you have. If you want the things to be done quickly and professionally and you do not have any time at all - these guys will make it. I still do not know how these guys are doing that, but they create miracles.

Aušra Merčaitė

EUROCASH1 Rinkodaros vadovė

Digital Brothers - pirmiausia yra partneriai. Partneriai, kurie noriai įsigilina į kliento veiklos sritį ir pasiūlo kokybišką produktą, kuris kuria pridėtinę vertę. Komanda išsiskiria greita reakcija ir gebėjimu rasti sprendimus įvairiose situacijose, išmano verslo poreikius. Darbas su profesionalais, kuris augina, priverčia tobulėti ir eiti pirmyn!

Modestas Antipovas

UCS Baltic projektų valdymo vadovas

Darbas su Digital Brothers vyko sklandžiai ir laiku, draugiškai, bet ir profesionaliai. Digital Brothers komanda ne tik įgyvendino mūsų norus, bet ir pasiūlė geresnių dizaino variantų, prieš kurdami dizainą padarė panašių į mūsų sprendimų analizę, atsižvelgė ir į vartotojo patogumo aspektus. Dėkojame jiems už bendradarbiavimą!

Mantvydas Vaičiulis

Alminos armija direktorius

Esame dėkingi Digital Brothers komandai už gebėjimą įvykdyti visas mūsų pateiktas užduotis bei operatyvumą ir gebėjimą greitai spręsti iškilusias problemas. Akivaizdu, kad šioje komandoje dirba savo srities profesionalai ir galima patikėti net sunkiausias užduotis.

Nerijus Pudžiuvelis

Head Of Communications at Helios Group

Fast, reliable partner which delivers exactly what you expect.

Ieva Bieliūnaitė

Founder, Marketing Point

"You have no idea at which speed this website was created. We sent a brief on Friday and we had our website ready on Monday. Not that this is the usual, nor the right way of doing things, but sometimes you are not given any choices and Digital Brothers mastered that situation. That "Monday" happened 3 years ago and we are too busy to think of any uplifts till now, so the "weekend delivery" still stands, proudly. Thanks guys!"

Julius Gregorauskas

CEO & Founder Cloudvisor

Cloudvisor has worked with Digital Brothers both as partners and as their client. This company is extremely fast, professional and knows custom development and user experience very well. Big recommendation from us!

Monika Andžejevska

Pardavimų ir marketingo vadovė, PPI Group

Su Digital brothers išvystėme ne vieną sėkmingą projektą. Džiugu turėti partnerius, kurie tave supranta iš pusės žodžio, o kai reikia negaili patarimų skaitmeninės rinkodaros klausimais.

Ieva Naujalytė

ADVERUM Managing partner

I've had a chance to work with Digital Brothers several times, and I couldn't recommend them enough. Loved seamless operations and personal approach, and the fact that they REALLY get you and your business. No idea seems too big for them to tackle.

Aušra Timinskaitė-Krikščiukė

Baltic Region commercial division, project manager, Swedbank

Together we have done a full scope IT startup from the idea to live IT product with growing userbase. Digital Brothers are extremely professional and understand user needs and product development very well. Swedbank is very happy to have such a partner and do projects together.

Valerijus Svitovas

Fenixera įkūrėjas

We have been developing projects together with Digital Brothers for over a year now. I am glad to find someone that it is easy to work with and I can be always sure of the quality I will get. Highly recommend these brothers!

Per Skisaker

CEO Asgaard Property

Digital Brothers have developed many web pages and proptech projects for our various development properties. Thumbs up for a great team with very good knowledge and experience in digital real estate presence and IT product development.

Gabija Matonytė

Esu labai patenkinta darbu su Digital Brothers. Darbas vyko labai sklandžiai ir operatyviai, buvo greitai reaguojama į pastabas ir pageidavimus, buvo įsiklausyta į mūsų, kaip užsakovo, poreikius, taip pat pasiūlyti profesionalūs sprendimai. Labai malonus ir dalykiškas bendravimas. Rekomenduoju!

Nikola Sakalou

GryNumber Health

The team did a great job putting together a complex website with ordering platform connected to complex external API. Andrius was extremely helpful in guiding us through the whole process of the system launch, also professionally managed communications and cooperation with API code providers. Thank you for great work!

Vykintas Juška

CRM & Digital Project Manager, Abbvie Baltics

I am very happy with Digital Brothers, as they are very consistent in their work. The entire team is attentive and responsive. Thanks to them, we achieve our goal and I look forward to continue working with them in the future.

Alexander Novoselov

Head of Innovation, Creditinfo Group

It was a great experience working with Digital Brothers. Professional delivery with agile approach helped us to achieve our goals. Outstanding UI delivered together with a modern technology and architecture created an awesome product our clients are happy with.

Edvardas Tamkevičius

Klaibuta Asset Management CEO

Darbuotis su Digital Brothers buvo puiki patirtis. Labai profesionalūs, savo srities ekspertai. Darbas vyko greitai ir efektyviai.

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